Salesforce Flow

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. What is flow?

3. Screen Flow

4. Auto launched Flow

5. What are Some of the Basic Flow Features?

6. key features of flows

7. Conclusion


Lightning flows (or simply flows) help you automate complex business processes and manual data entry. Flows let you work smarter, not harder, by saving your users time and making sure the required tasks are accomplished correctly.

What is Flow?

A flow is a tool that automates complex business processes. Simply put, it collects data and then does something with that data. 
Flow Builder is the declarative interface used to build individual flows. Flow Builder can be used to build code-like logic without using a programming language.

Types Of Flows In Salesforce​ ​ ​

  • Screen Flow:
  • Screen flow appears as a screen and is displayed with the help of a lightning page or utility bar. Screen flow  Must have screen. User interact with the screen and will provide some input. Developer should collect those input and perform some logics over there according to the scenario. It may be create or update the record.

  • Auto launched Flow:

  • Auto launched flows are the flows which are triggered automatically based on parameters and logic. In simple term, something should fire automatically. For ex, when we create a record want to send an email immediately.



Basic Flow Features

What are Some of the Basic Flow Features?

Variables, Collections, Constants, Formulas, or Choices.

Variable: Variables are used to store data to use in the flow. The variables can be of type Text,Number, Record, Dates, Currency, Boolean, Picklist, or Object record, to name a few.

  1. Collection: Collections are used to store a list of variables. They are used to process multiplerecords at a time.
  2. Constants:Constants are values you set once and never change. Constants are recommendedwhen the flow needs to reference the same value multiple times.
  3. Formula:Formula is used to display a dynamic value depending on other values within theflow.
  4. Choices: Choicesare used in Screen flows to show options to the user.

    Elements Tab

    The elements tab displays Interaction, logic, and data elements available for the flow. Each element is an action the flow can execute. New elements can be created from the Elements Tab.


    Interaction Elements

    1. Screen: Screen element / User interface for the flow. The screen can be used to displayinformation or can be used to collect data from the user. This element is available only inScreen Flows.
    2. Actions:Actions are external actions that further extend the functionality of the flow.Some examples for actions – Apex, Send emails, etc.
    3. Subflow:A flow can initiate another flow.

    Logic Elements

    1. Decisions: Decisions split the flow depending on the data that’s being sent through thedecision element.
    2. Assignments:Assignments give a value to a variable.
    3. Loops: Loops handle multiple variables at once using collections.


    Data elements

    Data elements allow the flows to fetch, create, update or delete records in the database. The elements include Get Record, Create Record, Update Record, and Delete Record. Get Record is used to fetch record/s from the database. Create Record, Update Record, and Delete Record are used to activate the data in the database.


    Connectors decide the available paths that a flow can take at run time. Various elements in the flow are connected using the connectors available. Some types of connectors are Unlabelled, Decision Outcome, Fault, Pause, For each, etc.

    What are the limitations of flows in Salesforce?

    1. Flows cannot execute certain administrative tasks.
      B. Some complex business logic may require Apex code.
      C. There is a limit to the number of elements and resources allowed in a flow.
      D. Flow actions may not bebulkified, potentially impacting performance.
      E. External calls from flows are subject to governor limits.
      F. Flows do not support all data types and related functionalities.

key features of flows

Visual Interface: Flows are designed with a user-friendly, drag-and-drop visual interface called Flow Builder. This makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Process Automation: Flows can automate complex business processes by defining a sequence of actions and decisions. You can automate record creation, updates, approvals, and more.

Record Manipulation: Easily create, update, or delete records within Salesforce objects using Flow Builder. This is particularly useful for maintaining data consistency and accuracy.

Conditional Logic: Flows support conditional logic, allowing you to create decision branches based on criteria such as record values, user input, or formula expressions.

Reusable Elements: Flow elements can be reused across multiple flows or even shared with other users and organizations via Flow Templates, reducing development time.

Screen Elements: Use screen elements to create custom user interfaces within flows. Screens can collect input from users, display information, and guide them through processes.

Looping: Flows can include loops to iterate through lists of records or perform actions multiple times based on specified conditions.

Data Validation: Implement data validation rules and error handling in flows to ensure data quality and consistency.

Integration: Connect flows with external systems and services using External Services or Apex-invocable actions, allowing for seamless integration with other applications.

Customization: Customize flows to fit your organization’s specific needs. You can incorporate custom Lightning components, invoke Apex code, and use custom formulas.

Multi-Language Support: Create flows that support multiple languages, making it easier to cater to a diverse user base.

Security: Flows respect Salesforce’s security model, ensuring that only authorized users can access and execute them.

Analytics and Monitoring: Monitor flow performance, errors, and usage through Salesforce’s built-in reporting and analytics tools.

Governance: Administrators can control and manage who can create, edit, and execute flows through user permissions and settings.

Documentation and Comments: Add documentation and comments within the flow design to make it more understandable and maintainable.



Flows offer organizations the flexibility to create tailored solutions for various use cases, from simple data entry tasks to complex approval workflows. Whether you are automating internal processes or providing external users with interactive experiences, flows are a valuable tool within the Salesforce ecosystem. They contribute to increased efficiency, reduced manual effort, and improved data quality, ultimately helping organizations achieve their business objectives.

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