Guidewire Integration Developer

Experience-5-7 years
Job Type-Contract with client
Location-PAN India

Job Description-

ClaimCenter Integration developers – who has worked on GW ClaimCenter knowldedge of PCF / Integrations – Event fired rules, financials escalations , Gunits, hands on API or Rest project build outs, batch , messagings. Should have delivered or worked on atleast 1 GW CC projects.

Additional Information:

Mandatory Skills GW Claimcenter / GW Integrations Sills , Rest , Event Fired rules , Messaging , Batch , Configuration , Workflows , Wizard
Nice to have skills integration gateway , IG app events

Note: For all requirements Guidewire working exp is MANDATORY!!

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Job Category: Guidewire Integration Developer
Job Type: Contract
Job Location: Pan India

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