Change-Set In Salesforce

What Are Change Sets In Salesforce?

A change set is a means by which one organization can send customizations to another organization. Change sets in Salesforce are groupings of components that can be deployed from one Salesforce org to another Salesforce org. This is out of a box deployment user interface tool provided by Salesforce. Change sets contain information about the org. They don’t contain data, such as records.

Change sets are the native way to move metadata customizations between sandboxes and your production environment. For example, if you create a new field in your sandbox, using change sets you can move this field into another sandbox or to production. They only work with metadata, so you can’t move records through environments (for this, you will need a Data Loader tool).

How To Do Deployments By Using Change Sets In Salesforce?

1. Create an Outbound Change Set

First step first. Login in your sandbox and complete your development. Once you are ready then create one change set in source org with below step

  1. Click on Setup the find “Outbound Change Set”
  2. Then Click on New button
  3. Provide the Change set name
  4. Then add a component in the change set.

Steps for Outbound Change Sets

  1. Click on Setup the find “Outbound Change Set”
  2. Then Click on New button

3.Provide the Change set name

4.Then add a component in the change set.

Example of Outbound Change Set Creation.

2. Authorize a Deployment Connection

Now our changes are ready in the Change set but before sending it to production or another sandbox we need to make a connection between to sandbox/production. Follow the below step to accept income changes in production.

1.Login to target org and search for Deployments setting

2.Then selects the source sandbox name and click on the edit button

3.Then click on allow inbound changes checkbox

4.then click on the Save button.

Deployment Connection Allow Inbound Change Set

3. Upload the Change Set

Now it is time to upload the change set into target org. Go back tosource org where you create the outbound change set and click on the upload button. Then it will show all sandbox or production org which allow inbound changes. Select target org and click on the upload button

4. Deploy Changes to the Target Environment

Now it is time to accept the changes in target org. Follow below step

1.log in to Target org

2.Then search the “Inbound Change set”

3.Select change set

4.Then click in validate button to validate the changes.

5.After validation click on Deploy button

Deployment Status

6)After deployment it will show deployment status.

Best Practices For Deploying Change Sets In Salesforce

Follow below best practices for deployment using change sets in Salesforce.

1.Deploy all dependent components

2.Add permissions and access settings to outbound change sets

3.Clone a change set to add dependent components to an uploaded change set

4.Use distinct names for global publisher layouts and Outlook publisher layouts

5.Plan deployments around maintenance schedule

6.Validate change sets before deployment

7.View component details

8.Limit change sets to 10,000 files

9.Plan for tests to run in the target org

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